Have you heard of this aspect of how this company (MBIPL) deals with its dealers who dare to dissent or offer a negative comment? Or who should truly be hailed as whistle blowers?

In the 13 years that we dealt with MBIPL as many as 13 of their dealerships resigned and walked out or were forced to walk out for “crimes” such as offering a dissenting opinion or like us continuing to protest against the quality failures of these vehicles.

Can everything be ok with a company with this track record?

Of course, you have probably never heard about the case for forgery filed by a dealership in their home town at Pune against no less than the Managing Director Mr. Wilfried Aulbur and other six top officials of MBIPL for forging their signatures on account settlement papers and threatening the dealer with confiscation of their Bank Guarantee.

This story is most relevant to us because just a few months ago we were silenced ourselves by the snatching of our Bank guarantee and the ambushing of our dealership by the whistleblower organization of Daimler AG(BPO) and forced to resign. We ourselves were so shocked by this Blitzkrieg attack that we were to afraid to even speak out for months after and our Bank guarantee was never returned even after we pleaded repeatedly. Even our outstanding margins were paid after months by making us sign settlement documents forcefully(proof is in court so not offered here).

When we heard of the tactics applied to Millenium Motors we were reminded of our worst fears. We too were ambushed in a “MEETING“, during which thirteen years of our dedication were wiped out by an ultimatum “give up your demand for a third party investigation or a new dealer will be appointed”. We have recorded the conversations between Aulbur and us in this meeting where he carried two letters and after ascertaining that we preferred to resign in absence of a genuine investigation, he removed this one from his magic bag, and walked out. Next morning an add insulting our decade of service was released and followup calls from two pet dealers made us a cold-blooded offer “We have an arrangement with the management, Give us your property on rent or 51% equity, and an add will be released to say the dealer recruitment add was printed in the wrong city and you will be spared”.


The complaint of Cdr. Naik speaks of the same technique which the dealer Development Manager Bapat had admitted on phone, would be carried out against us, as it was on BR motors and so many others.

Apart from a few small items like in Expressindia.com posted on 16th March 2010 and DNAIndia.com posted on 23rd February, 2010, none of the major media carried this story. The names of Mr. Wilfried Aulbur, Sales and Marketing Director Mr. Debashish Mitra, Finance Director Mr. Uwe Jarosch, Network Development General Manager Mr. Puneet Chug, Finance General Manager Mr. Bhishma Patel and official Mr. Sandeep Sawant and others are all mentioned in these articles. But where is the story now buried – right under the advertising clout of the company? Has one also seen an item which would inform the public at large that Managing Director Mr. Wilfried Aulbur’s passport was impounded and contrary to the manufactured and imaginary story about his love for this country that he had to resign from MBIPL because attending meetings in Germany would require taking legal permission each time if his passport had been impounded.

It was a totally painful exercise for us to be able to retrieve all our legitimate dues and it was only because our Bank Guarantee expired in time that we were able to retrieve the same. The financial losses incurred by way of loss of commission on inter territory sales (actively encouraged by MBIPL) for their pet dealers and the huge amount extracted from us by way of inflated software costs, pricing of primary signage, furniture etc. is a nightmare best forgotten. But the way this countries weaknesses have been exploited by these fascists will never be forgotten by us till we wake the authorities up.

Now that we have placed all of this in competent courts they are unable to even present coherent responses and the cases are stalled for years without the acceptance of summons by all parties. We tried to find a body who like the deceased MRTPC would offer us justice but they have been heavily subdued by BIG MONEY and all avenues for redressing such matters have been shut in India.